(In alphabetical order)
Ersan BOCUTOĞLU (Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey)
“Neo-Klasik İktisat Hala Geleneksel Bilgeliği Temsil Ediyor Mu?”
Per BYLUND (Oklahoma State University, USA)
“The Austrian School of Economics: Past, Present, and Future”
Cristina Lelis Leal CALEGARIO (Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brazil)
“The Effects of Productivity Spillovers of FDI and State Interventions through Industrial Policy in Latin America Countries”
Murat DONDURAN (Yıldız Technical University)
“Kendi Çıkarını Düşünmekten Altın Kurala: İktisatta İnsan”
Alfredo Saad FILHO (King’s College London, United Kingdom)
“Covid-19, Crisis, and the End of Neoliberalism?”
Mathew FORSTATER (University of Missouri-KansasCity, USA)
“Matter is Social, the Social Matters, but What is Most Important is Provisioning”
Saverio Maria FRATINI (Roma Tre University, Italy)
“The Second Stage of the Cambridge Capital Controversy”
Harald HAGEMANN (University of Hohenheim, Germany)
“Joseph Schumpeter and his Theory of Capitalist Development”
M. Ali KHAN (John Hopkins University, USA)
“On Knight and Knightian Uncertainty.”
Stefan KOOTHS (Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany)
“The Legacy of Menger’s Principles after 150 Years”
Marc LAVOIE (University of Ottawa, Canada, University Sorbonne Paris Nord, France)
“Godley Versus Tobin on Monetary Matters ”
Enrico Sergio LEVRERO (Roma Tre University, Italy)
“Garegnani and the Revival of the Surplus Approach”
Radoica LUBURIĆ, (Executive Director the Central Bank of Montenegro)
“Crisis Prevention and the Coronavirus Pandemic – Challenges, Risks and Opportunities”
Antonio MAGLIULO (Rome University of International Studies, Italy)
“Why We Need a Global and Comparative History of Economic Thought”
Maria Pia PAGANELLI (Trinity University, USA)
“Adam Smith’s Wealth of Natioan and The Digression on Silver”
Diego Perez (The Economy of Francesco, EOF Latín American Network & Lumen Gentium University)
“Economy of Francesco, an Economy for the Common Good and Integral Human Development.”
Anwar SHAIKH (New School University, USA)
“Real Economic Analysis: An Alternative Framework for Economics?”
Craig SMITH (University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom)
“The Moral and Political Thought of the Scottish Enlightenment”
Aaron SOJOURNER (University of Minnesota, USA)
“What’s the Inside Scoop? Challenges in the Supply and Demand for Information about Job Attributes”
David STADELMANN (University of Bayreuth, Germany)
“Market Failure on the Market for Political Services: A Basic Evaluation Framework”
“Dollar Dominance and External Adjustment”
Matias VERNENGO (Bucknell University, USA)
“Was Keynes a Liberal or a Socialist?”
Young Scholar Special Session
Oğuz Korkut KELEŞ (TÜSİAD, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, Spain)
“Rationality and Its place with respect to Individuality and Society.”
Paolo SANTORI (Visiting Scholar at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Holland)
“Homo homini natura amicus. The Mediterranean Spirit of Capitalism from Aquinas to Civil Economy”